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Home Phlebotomy

What are the features of the Home Phlebotomy service?

It is a one-stop service where our certified phlebotomist will:

  • Visit the patient's home to collect the blood sample,
  • Bring the sample to our laboratory for analysis, and
  • Upload the results onto the National Electronic Health Records (NEHR) system electronically.
What are the benefits of the Home Phlebotomy service?
Bed-bound or physically challenged patients
  • Have your blood sample taken in the comfort of your home.
  • Will not miss your blood tests due to mobility difficulties.
Homecare Providers
  • Entrust us with doing blood tests while you focus on other tasks for your home-bound patients.
  • Need not arrange for chaperones or transport to ferry your loved ones to clinics for blood tests.
  • Can save cost, time and effort.
How can I book the Home Phlebotomy service?

Our Home Phlebotomy service is available for homecare providers.

Need more information? Contact us: